The Aspiring PM Roadmap

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Does this feel familiar?

"I’ve been trying to figure out how to transition into product management, but honestly, it’s been overwhelming. Everywhere I look, there are so many "gurus" with different advice—some say I need to focus on learning technical skills, others tell me I should be all about customer research or business strategy. I’m not sure where to even start, and I don’t want to get lost trying to follow everything at once.

I’ve always been drawn to the idea of managing a product’s life cycle—seeing something come to life and knowing I helped make that happen—but I’m struggling to map out how to get from here to actually landing a product manager role. I don’t have a formal tech background either, so I’m wondering if that’s a huge disadvantage.

I really just need someone who can help me navigate through all the noise and give me some clear guidance. Do I need certifications, or is it about building certain skills? What’s the first step? There’s just so much out there, and I don’t know where to focus my energy."

Here's how The Aspiring PM Roadmap can help:

We will provide a clear path to learning about product management, acquiring core PM skills and optimizing your career search- with confidence and minimal overwhelm.

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The Aspiring PM Roadmap

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